Six Things You Should Know About Money - Bayo Adeyinka

Six Things You Should Know About Money - Bayo Adeyinka

1. God does not give money
Deut 8:18
God doesn't give wealth or money- He gives the power, ideas, concepts and know-how to get it. That's why you need to quit praying for money. Money does not answer to prayers.

2. Money is neither good nor evil.
1 Tim 6:10
Money is neither good nor evil. It's the use to which you put it that matters. It's just like fire or water. Fire can burn but it can also cook. Water can wash or clean but it can also drown. Money is a good servant but a bad master.

3. Money is a reward for exchange or transfer of value. You must give value for you to get money.
Pro 14:23
You give your time on a job, you earn salary at the end of the month.
You apply your skills to solve a problem, you get your reward in monetary terms.

4. How you get your wealth is important
Pro 13:11
Wealth that is not the result of hardwork and integrity will not be permanent. Nothing fraudulent lasts because the fraudster does not understand the principles of financial management.

5. You can't take money with you when you die but you can shape your eternity with it
Mat 6:19-21
What are you doing with your resources. Understand there's a difference between ownership and stewardship. You are just a steward. Don't ever forget that.

6. Money amplifies your wisdom and gives you influence.
Eccl 9:14-16 ( Contemporary English Version)
Money can give you a voice.

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